
2022年3月16日—Efficiencyistheabilitytoproduceanintendedresultinthewaythatresultsintheleastwasteoftime,effort,andresources.Effectiveness ...,Efficiencymeansdoingthings“right”—whetherthatmeansmovingfaster,gettingworkdonewithfewerresources,accomplishingbigprojectswithasmallerbudget ...,Efficientandeffectiveareadjectives.Weuseefficienttodescribesomethingorsomeonethatworksinaquickandorganisedway:.,...

Efficiency Versus Effectiveness

2022年3月16日 — Efficiency is the ability to produce an intended result in the way that results in the least waste of time, effort, and resources. Effectiveness ...

Efficiency vs. Effectiveness in Business [2024]

Efficiency means doing things “right”—whether that means moving faster, getting work done with fewer resources, accomplishing big projects with a smaller budget ...

Efficient or effective ? - Grammar

Efficient and effective are adjectives. We use efficient to describe something or someone that works in a quick and organised way:.

How to Use Effective and Efficient

The words effective and efficient both mean capable of producing a result, but there is an important difference. Effective means producing a result.

哪裡不一樣—— Effective VS. Efficient


形容詞“effective” 和“efficient” 的區別

2018年10月10日 — 形容詞“effective” 和“efficient” 的區別. Both 'effective' and 'efficient' come from the word 'effect'. Do you know how to tell them apart ...




2017年11月7日 — 新的教學法在課堂上證實有效。 This type of vacuum cleaner is very efficient at picking up dust. 此機型的吸塵器在集塵上相當有效率。

有效率的」英文是efficient 或effective ? 中文意思差異?

2021年1月29日 — 例: We offer a fast, friendly and efficient service. 我們提供快速,友好和高效的服務。


2016年7月23日 — 批改文章常見到同學動不動就寫efficient,而且傻傻分不清「有效率」和「有效」(effective) 之間的差異,大部分人甚至連efficient 的定義都不清楚, ...